When you know you could do better.
We offer a variety of services to small and large scale childcare or education institutions . Our services are established as a way to give Institutions the training they need- just as we prepare and practice our responses to a fire, earthquake, and an active shooter- the same emphasis and attention should be placed on child maltreatment.
“It’s easier to build strong children then repair broken men. ”
Sample of Services Provided
*Abuse Prevention & Risk Mitigation
*Disclosure Response Procedure Creation
*Our signature “Beyond Mandated Reporter” Managerial Training
*Rapid Response Service for Incident Crisis Management
Each Institution’s needs and scope vary so widely it is impossible to have one cookie-cutter program that will be just right for your organization. That is why we offer a free consultation to every Institution that wants to take the first step.
Responsibility is an asset, not a liability.